Digital Marketing Vlog

The Best Way to Generate Leads for Contractors

This episode of Digital Marketing Thursday answers two great questions that will shed some light on ways to grow your business online. This episode answers the two questions: I’m an electrician and advertise on Home Advisor, yelp and Angies list.

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How to Find the Best Type of Business to Start Today

This episode of Digital Marketing Thursday answers a major question from a failed restaurant owner in New York. Here’s the question: “I owned a restaurant for over 5 years and lost it during COVID. I collected unemployment, and now have a

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A Website Case Study on Monetization

This is session two of this episode of Digital Marketing Thursday.  At the end of this week’s episode, someone from the live audience asked Edison to review her website to see how she can get more consumers and business owners

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The Best Membership Software for Your Business

Three great digital marketing questions were asked in this episode of Digital Marketing Thursday. Today Edison answered: I want to start a membership area where people pay to access my courses. Which system do you recommend, and why?  I’m thinking

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How to Create High Converting Offers

If you’re getting a lot of traffic to your website, but no one is buying, there’s a reason for that. In this video, Edison shows you how to create high converting offers. You’ll discover a simple formula to use that

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Two Free Tools You Can Use to Spy on Your Competition

This episode of Digital Marketing Thursday answers these two questions:  1) How can I use different email addresses, and check them from one place? 2) Which free tools can I use for researching my competition? If you liked this

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Why Is Blogging Valuable and What Should I Blog About?

Today we answer:  1) What is the difference between Facebook Advertising, Google Advertising and Digital Advertising?  2) Why is blogging valuable and what should I blog about? Also, what is the best type of content? Through screen sharing, you’ll see

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Sales Funnel vs Landing Pages?

This episode of Digital Marketing Thursday answers these two questions:  1) What’s the difference between a sales funnel and a website landing page? Can you tell me the best way a gym can take advantage of a sales funnel or

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How Do I Create a Survey Using Survey Monkey

When creating a survey, there are several rules you need to follow. This episode shows you how to create a survey to generate leads, curiosity and sales for your business. This is a step-by-step walk through for creating a survey,

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What’s Working Now in Marketing

So much changes so fast online, that the number one digital marketing question I get, after people watch my videos, is usually, “What’s Working Now?” This episode covers what’s working for the brick and mortar business, as well as the

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